Coffee is best shared with friends. That is what we had in mind when the La Marzocco team took two Linea Minis and drove to meet Caro and Anita Gehrig after their Enduro Series Race last month. Escaping the summer heat to the breezy and breathtaking mountains, June 30th the small village called Canazei, in the Val di Fassa in the Dolomites, became a meeting point for the professional riders that ride through terrain all over the world.

The race took place all day Saturday, the next morning riders needed some R & R. Traction Coffee provided some great beans, and the two Linea Minis were set up in the pit area of Norco Twins Racing. Caro and Anita were there on hand brewing and teaching their fellow riders how to make the perfect espresso. Latte Art and all!

Croissants were served, along with great home barista gear to take back. Coffee is fuel and our favorite Linea Mini did not disappoint!