Recipe for about 4 people:

For the sandwiches:
500 grams of flour
300 ml of milk
60 grams of butter
9 grams of yeast
20 grams of sugar
A pinch of salt
1 tablespoon of ground coffee
1 egg and a few tablespoons of milk

For the stuffing:
8 slices of bacon
4 tablespoons of organic chestnut honey
200 grams of fresh burrata

Mix the yeast with a tablespoon of warm water, then mix with the flour and sugar. Add milk at room temperature, salt, melted butter, and ground coffee. Work well until you have reached a smooth consistency. Let rise for about 2 hours at room temperature, in a bowl brushed with melted butter, and covered with a cloth. The dough should double in volume.

Next, form balls of about 30 grams each and place them with space around each on a baking sheet that has been covered with wax paper.

Wait another 30 minutes for the second rising. Brush the surface of the sandwiches with a beaten egg and add the few tablespoons of milk. Bake for 12-13 minutes at 180°C.

When the sandwiches are baked, remove them from the oven and cool.

Raise the temperature of the oven to 220°C and place bacon slices on a baking sheet covered with wax paper. Place a generous spoonful of chestnut honey on each bacon slice.

Bake on the highest rack of the oven until the bacon is golden and crunchy.

Cut the bread in half and begin assembling the sandwiches, each with one half slice of bacon and burrata.