Well Grounded is an award winning social enterprise which helps disadvantaged adults to build a career within the speciality coffee industry. Since 2016, they have supported 234 people through training, qualification, mentorship and employment programmes.

Sadly, these individuals have been impacted hard by the Coronavirus; many have lost their jobs or been furloughed on zero hour contracts and face vulnerable housing situations, financial insecurity and emotional instability. 

Over the next few weeks, friends throughout the coffee industry will be taking part in a variety of ‘’234’ themed challenges to #SupportThe234 and help raise £10,000 to allow Well Grounded to build a fully operational virtual platform which will tackle social exclusion, deliver workshops, offer employment advice, connect graduates to mental health services and generally develop a community of care to offer graduates an open ear and a shoulder to lean on.

 We at La Marzocco UK and Ireland want to help in any way we can, and so members of the team are also taking part in ‘234’ themed challenges:

  • Our Marketing Manager, Dan Harvey, will be running 234 circuits of the crescent near his house (equivalent of 42 miles).
  • Our Sales Manager, Ben Brooker, will be running 23.4 kilometres across the Sussex Downs.
  • Our General Manager, Paul Kelly, will be walking 234 kilometres across Kent 

We will keep you updated on the team’s progress but if you would like to find out more or get involved, click HERE.

If you’d like to help us raise money, you can do so HERE. Every penny counts and we appreciate all your support. Thank you to everyone who has already donated and who has sent us their kind words!