As we continue along the fine (blue) line between the vocation and thrill for sports and nature, caffeination and performance, outdoor adventures and exploration, below is to share with you one of the latest sailing competition events that took place in late July, powered by La Marzocco.



It’s about the « Robert-Huber Preis der H-Boote” regatta which was held in the stunning lake scenery of Starbergersee in the southern part of Germany.



On this occasion, Italian representatives onboard “Fled 2“  came in fourth amongst 35 international competitors!

So here’s a toast to our friends and familiar members of the crew: Guido Bernardinelli, Tiziano Nava, Flavio Favini and Nicola Bonarrigo.

More details HERE


From left to right: Tiziano Nava, Flavio Favini, Nicola Bonarrigo, Guido Bernardinelli.



In case you didn’t get a chance to see one of their previous video interviews, click below! Their message is a universal one and inspires others to push themselves beyond boundaries, pursue dreams, be courageous, elevate standards and keep the team spirit high!!