Marcos Zoya, Spanish barista trainer, started his career 8 years ago in Ireland, where he came into contact with a well-developed specialty coffee scene, discovering his passion for the world of coffee.

In that period, he got to know several mentors, trained hard and became an official SCA Coffee trainer (AST). Once he got back to Spain, he started to collaborate independently with baristas, roasters and passionate trainers. Marcos tells us of how years of working behind the bar in high-volume environments have prepared him to be able to advise and advise you on how to be productive, fast and efficient…in his opinion the keys for success.
His main job is training baristas and offering his consultancy services to all types of hospitality businesses.

La Marzocco Spain has just started a project video series in collaboration with Zoya with the aim of educating the beginner home barista who wants to learn the basics of espresso preparation. The 8 episodes are realeased every Tuesday in Spanish on the La Marzocco Spain blog  and on the official La Marzocco Home youtube channel.

Stay tuned and follow Marcos Zoyaif you want to keep discovering the secrets of the world of coffee.