Some people are born to travel, and Andrea Capecchi is no doubt one of them.
100% Mugello (geographical area where La Marzocco is headquartered) stock, this 32-year-old has always been driven by adventure. He (reluctantly) left his position at La Marzocco to immerge himself around the globe. First, he set sail for the Philippines, where he spent a few months, then returned to Australia where he lived once before.

But the restlessness of an inveterate traveler like Andrea surfaced once more. Together with his Australian girlfriend, Claire, and his friends, Jake and Antonio, he decided to take part in the Mongol Rally, which is defined as “the greatest adventure in the world”.

Only vehicles with an engine that is less than 1,200cc, and over 18-years old can be used. Highways and navigators are not allowed and no technical or medical assistance is available. So, Andrea and team chose the 1998 Panda belonging to his grandfather, Giuseppe. When he says the name, he becomes emotional thinking about the long road he will travel with such a cherished memory on his mind.

Suitcases reduced to the bare minimum, spare tires and an unexpected travel companion. Indeed, Andrea renounced everything except the black Linea Mini.
“Do you want the pleasure of an espresso at evening’s sundown in the desert? Or, rise in the morning in the midst of mountains in Central Asia?” he asked over the phone before departing.

From Tuscany, our group of adventurers focused on the Czech Republic, where the race officially began. From there they travelled through Romania, Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan with the final destination at Ulan Ude, Eastern Russia, for a total of more than 15 thousand kilometers.

The ultimate purpose of the rally is for charity. Each participant collects at least one thousand pounds to be donated to an organization chosen by the organizers. In this case, funds were allocated to Coolheart, who safeguards the Amazon. Another one thousand pounds is donated to an organization chosen by the team itself. Andrea and team chose Careflight, which operates with emergency services in the recovery of patients in critical cases.

Finally, participants need to organize food, water, gas, road maps, spare parts for the car, sleeping bags and anything that might be needed in case of an emergency or other unexpected event.