The new Home department at La Marzocco’s factory in Scarperia is not just any workplace. It is home to a group of artisans who work passionately every day to create products that are one of a kind. Discover for yourselves the personalities and the secrets of our Home department, thanks to this never-before-seen virtual tour!

The finished product is, increasingly, the strongest focus in production facilities, but we must never forget who is behind those final results.

Every day, La Marzocco hosts visitors from all over the world: baristas, school and university groups, fans, people who already have one of our machines or who dream of owning one someday.
Everyone is welcome to visit our production facilities and see with their own eyes the quality that makes our machines stand out from the rest.
The artisanal nature of La Marzocco coffee machines is recognised the world over, and our Home machines are crafted using the same production processes we use to manufacture our professional machines.

Every day there are 20 men and women working in the Home department. The youngest is 21 and the most experienced is 52.
We begin with the weldering of the boilers, then move on to the hydraulic and electrical systems, and finally to testing, where the machines spend two days undergoing every sort of evaluation, after which they are carefully packed.

Each week, large numbers of Linea Mini and G S3 machines leave our factory in Scarperia, destined for homes, cafés and restaurants all over the world. As in all of our company departments, sustainable innovation is achieved by means of a production process powered entirely by solar energy, by means of our recyclable packaging materials, and through our thermally-insulated boilers, which provide a 20% increase in energy efficiency.

The best-selling colour of the Linea Mini range is steel, followed by white and black. Meanwhile, the demand for accessories in wood and for coloured side panels for the GS3 is continuing to rise.
The Home department is set apart by the cream colour of its floors and distinguished by a time-honoured tradition: breakfast is brought in for everyone each Friday morning. That way, all of the colleagues who work there can celebrate the end of the week together by putting the true spirit of “Home” into practice: sharing a good breakfast together, just as a family would do in its own home!

The Home department exists as the living, beating heart of our factory in Scarperia, nestled amidst the Tuscan countryside in the Mugello valley. Every day, accompanied by songs playing on the department sound system and the occasional joke about the latest football championship match, our young men and women spend highly productive hours working on the Linea Mini and GS3 product lines. They do so in the knowledge that they are part of one big family and that the products they are making are coveted by coffee aficionados the world over, who are waiting anxiously for the chance to make their first home-brewed coffee that’s as good as the one they get at the café.

Credit: Michael Gardenia – Fusillo Lab