Caro and Anita Gehrig are coming home after a season of racing at the Enduro World Series, to find calmness in their chosen home– the mountain town of Flims, Switzerland. To decompress from the stress that a racing season brings with it they are heading back to the comfort of their own house, friends and family. Finally taking the time to rest, let the body heal and find strength to be ready to do it all over again for the next season.

For them the precious time at home means to settle in, roam around and drink coffee but also to ride their favorite trails with their best mates. Putting away the quest for success, forgetting about the pressure and the best line and just purely enjoying what draws them to this sport; the nature, the good times with friends, admiring the best views and of course still looking for a little thrill. Fall riding at it’s best!
It’s an important time to regain motivation for the upcoming winter training but also to recover from the life on the road.

The time to unwind also leaves more time for their passion for coffee, with their La Marzocco home barista set up the two coffee connoisseurs are perfectly equipped. A coffee and cake gathering with friends or the first cup in the morning, for them it is pure joy.


This season the swiss twins started their own team; Norco Twins Racing. A program uniquely designed for them along with a bunch of great partners. With Anita already getting injured at the first round of the Enduro World Series in Chile they were not meant to have a smooth start. Just as Anita was about to be ready to race again, Caro broke her pelvis and sacrum. Literally the two took turns in being injured or racing. But despite her big injury mid season Caro managed to still qualify for her big goal, the UCI Downhill World Champs in Lenzerheide, Switzerland. A huge success in a discipline she is not specialized in and definitely a lifetime memory to race World Champs just over 30 km away from home. Even if they had hoped for EWS podiums again this season Anita’s three 4th place finishes are remarkable and so are Caro’s two 5th places.

Despite an injury prone season the twins look back on an outstanding year, maybe not racing/ result wise but with some absolutely insane travel experiences. The trip to Colombia with a visit to a coffee farm and the longtime project Freeriding Iran finally realized. Not only growing as a rider and racer but also growing from the experiences gained over the past year, the two are now enough caffeinated and hungry to tackle the training for the 2019 season.

Check the Colombia Video too.