the outset of metal 3d print

December 11, 2018 in International, Italia

On December 6th Pavia University inaugurated the new additive manufacturing laboratory 3DMetal@UniPV.

The lab is the result of the combined efforts of Pavia University with La Marzocco and Fluid-o-Tech. It aims at producing metal components for the industrial partners to use and at researching ways to optimize the additive manufacturing process in itself, in order to offer greater opportunities to both design and build new products.

The opening of the laboratory was attended by our CEO, Guido Bernardinelli, together with Diego Andreis, CEO of Fluid-o-Tech, Fabio Rugge, dean of Pavia University and Ferdinando Auricchio, Scientific Director of the Computational Mechanics and Advanced Materials Group


3DMetal@UniPV: the project

The project 3DMetal@UniPV brings together business and research, aiming at developing competences within the field of metal 3D print.

On one side, companies are more and more attracted by Additive Manufacturing (AM), for the great flexibility, rapidity and technological impact it provides. On the other side, universities and research centres are aware of the challenges lying within these technologies.

Among additive manufacturing technologies, metal 3D print is the most attractive to companies operating with advanced mechanics. However, nowadays the cost of such technology is still not entirely negligible and it is difficult for companies to test it on their own.

The project 3DMetal@UniPV joins resources and competences of the companies and university to acquire a metal 3D printer and to provide the partners with a dedicate production line to produce innovative components.


The partners


Fluid-o-Tech is an Italian company with a seventy-year expertise in the design and development of volumetric pumps for the food, automotive, health and industry sector. With 250 employees, a factory near Milan, Fluid-o-tech has a direct presence in UK, Japan, United States, China and a spread network of distributors in 60 countries.

Contacts: Francesca Spinicci

The group Computational Mechanics and Advanced Materials at Pavia University

The group ( earned international recognition in light of its competences in simulations for engineering applications. Since 2011 it has been researching the use of additive manufacuring through an inter-disciplinary laboratory featuring various technologies. In 2015 it has been identified as one of the five main strategic areas of Pavia University.

Contacts. Prof. Prof. Ferdinando Auricchio


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